Monday, November 4, 2019

Cowden Support Program, Take Two!

It has occurred to me for a while now that I never updated my blog as to where I'm at regarding the Cowden Support Program. As of my last post, I had stopped all the medication and was feeling better. My morning dizziness did continue until a day I believed the Lord healed me. I can't fully explain it, but after a night of crying out to the Lord for healing and waking up with an overwhelming sense of peace, I got up and the dizziness was gone and has not returned. I should note that this is different from my day to day feeling "off". This was the sensation of the room moving a bit upon first sitting up in the morning. It was not true vertigo, but rather a sensation I cannot fully explain. All I know is that is plagued me for a long, long time until it abruptly stopped. I thank the Lord for His healing! 

After a period of time off of the Cowden Support Program and feeling better as far as the head pain, pressure and dizziness I was experiencing, my Lyme symptoms returned. I decided to start the program again, but this time I took it much, much, much slower.  I did not follow their recommendation of increasing the dose of each herb daily, but rather took my time and listened to my body. I also decided to only increase one herb at a time so I could determine which ones were causing issues. I have to say that my handled it much better this time doing it this way, and I believe I'm at the right dose for my body with each herb. I am currently on Day 83 and my Lyme symptoms have been much better again. I still struggle with fatigue, but I'm living life normally and am thankful. I can't say I feel 100%, but I will take any improvements. I continue to walk by faith and pray that a few more months on this protocol will do the trick. 

I recently incorporated new herbs, Mora and Cumandra. I have to say that these two are powerful so I'm once again taking my time with them even though you don't take them for long on the protocol. At this point, I don't care if I don't reach 30 drops right away; I care more about making this tolerable so I can be in it for the long haul. 

That's about it for the update. I don't plan to blog about my experience this time, but if anyone reading this has any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out!