My Lyme's tests came back as "not highly suspicious" for Lyme's Disease (whatever that means!), but my doctor is not yet convinced so I'm having more blood drawn next week to send to another lab. This will be my 4th Lyme's test, but I know it's not unheard of to take this much work to know for sure if you have it or not.
As for my blood work, I still have low iron, iodine, Vitamin D and I just learned I have very low Vitamin A. I will be continuing my supplements as is for a few more months, with the addition of something for the low Vit A, with the plan to get me on a multi-vitamin at my follow up appointment in November.
I plan to re-test my heavy metal levels next week but those results won't come back for at least 2-3 weeks so I will update again when I know whether or not the Metalloclear worked at all.